I was lucky enough to come across a wooden box, a nice, square, seemingly plain wooden box.
But then, when the lid slipped just a little, I felt the tingle of a wishful dream dance into me.
Once upon a Silver Moon’s
Light butterflies
dancing shimmer over the hills unseen,
But while she sleeps a
young girl believes
And so feels the magic as
it weaves.
Far and close she
hears the sound,
Of a snowy unicorn
prancing on mossy ground.
Then Silver Moon’s
beam stitches slippers of shine,
That as a princess
upon her unicorn the mountain she might climb,
Towards a rainbow of Earth’s
crystal seeds,
Each colour an
adventure that will need her good deeds.
For several days the box and I breathed in reverie and then I let my needle in...
Once upon a Silver Moon’s dream
Light butterflies dancing shimmer over the hills unseen,
And so feels the magic as it weaves.
Towards a rainbow of Earth’s crystal seeds,