When I was a little girl, walks along French country lanes, and later in Sussex woodland were full of pauses, of bending down or up on tiptoes or peering through, for better looks at treasures half glimpsed, for sucking nectar from hedgerow flowers, for stroking bark. Often empty snail shells, particular pebbles, acorns, petals, seed heads, twigs, were carefully carried home. My children notice and glean as I did, we take notebooks on our visits to beautiful gardens, more for the safe keeping of fascinating fallen petals than for sketches, and as a mummy I am aware that the preciousness of their sea shells and special stones, is as much in the moment of coming across them as in their perfect detail.
The coming about of this little being held a dedication to the wonders of wandering, her hat roses and those at the end of her plaits were in her beginning before I started stitching, they were an indication of her nature, when her face came her eyes held both attention and dreaming.Her shoes soles give messages of love to the ground where she skips.

And I have just worked out how to reply to comments on here...Hooray!!! and many many thank yous for our inspiration, support and warmth