This is a little story of serendipity,
A little story of how wee sweet Nicoletta the Treasure Collector came to be.

One sunny afternoon, when I was showing one of my older daughters my new deodorant, she made a little comment about the fact that there was still a fair amount of packaging involved, despite its eco credentials.
And though I had already put the box aside to reuse in my own packaging of wee folk, I started to play with ideas of how this sweet little box might become something more fun and worthy.
At the same time I had been casting my net of inspiration towards fairyland in the hope of a little idea to help a young girl who has been having a less than easy time at the moment.
And then just like that, smile-making-thoughts started to skip into my mind... a little treasure collector, in her own little treasure box, which might sometimes, with play, become a gift shop or such like. A little something that could be taken out and about for company and purpose, on less than pleasant outings.
And so it all started to become
And one little idea led to another
And I found out more about Nicolleta the wee little treasure collector
And so when I sent her to meet her little girl I was able to add a letter
And now I share this little happening with you all,
In the hope that it makes you as happy as it made me,
And that it inspires the creation of other fun and treasure from empty boxes.